Monday, September 24, 2012

So I have been thinking about this for a while now and I have decided that I want to write a book about American History... but not some boring old text book, or even a book that is in much chronological order... although when edited it may go that way.  I want it to be a history book told from the best perspective there is to learn history, by going to the places and seeing the things that caused it to happen.
Now some will say WHY??? or who the hell is this guy trying to write American history.  The short answer is I am a History nerd, as many know, and I love to take pictures.  if you are on my facebook you will know that I take more pictures of my adventures across this great country...
About a year ago a very good friend of mine, Suzanne, suggested that I take my photography and turn it into a book.  She told me that I have taken some great shots and that I see America for what it is not what the media and Hollywood have turned it into.  It shows both the underling determination that is the American experience mixed with greatness that Americans have accomplished. 
The other person is a Fraternity brother of mine, Hunter, who I met about two years ago.  Hunter is from Kansas.  I have never been to Kansas, and what I do know about Kansas I can sum up here very quickly... It is north of Oklahoma, and it must be a pretty good place because Dorthy wondered all over Oz just to get back there...  Well Hunter is a unique man, when you look at him you might want to cross the street or hold your children a little tighter, I joke with that last comment, but Hunter is a Musician.  He plays the trumpet, and over the past few months he has come to play at the military funerals for our fallen soldiers, not just the ones who hear about that have paid the ultimate sacrifice in places like Iraq or Afghanistan, but he plays for the other heroes as well. Sometimes the forgotten Heroes.  The brave men and women who put everything on the line for us.  And after their conflict ended they came home and they tried as best as they could to return to civilian life.  Hunter's actions have also inspired me to do this and to make sure that the average everyday American is never forgotten.
So..... my goal is this.  To tell the story of our American experience as well as to show others, through my pictures, the great places that American may miss as we go about our daily lives.  The important historical things that we pass by everyday that has made our own home towns great...
Will this succeed??  Who knows.  Will I have fun traveling the USA and taking photos? You can bet that I will.   
So sit back and enjoy the show, if a book comes out of all this then GREAT!!!  If not oh well I know I will have fun visiting places and learning about our past and hoping to teach it to the future.

Usually I post something having to do with history, or a major event… but the past week has me thinking more and more about everything that has been going on. Let’s not wait for the last Monday in May, the 4th of July or the 11th of November… Let’s not wait for the brutal death of our country men, or the solider killed in a roadside bomb. Let’s remember the men, from that faithful day near Concord Bridge, to the boys who braved the cold at Valley Forge. The men who defended the city of Baltimore, under the rockets’ red glare. The boys who followed their states, who suffered and died at places like Sharpsburg and Gettysburg. The men in the Trenches of France. Those who waded in the shores of Utah and Omaha, who island hopped the South Pacific. Suffered constant onslaught in Bastogne, not just from the enemy but from the cruel winter. The men who fought and died for the 38th parallel… The helicopter pilots in the Ia Drang Valley, who defied orders and unarmed flew in water and supplies to the surrounded troops and then flew out the wounded. The brave souls who died making sure the poor and oppressed in Somalia received food and water. The Men and women who have selflessly served in Iraq, Afghanistan, and all over the middle east helping to end the oppression that has been felt all over that region as well as the world. These men, and women, will not have died in vain. They constitute what it means to be an American.
From the Patriots of Concord, The soldiers fighting our own Civil War and those who have fought to allow others the right to live and understand what freedom means. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights.”
So many of you are now wondering where this rambling is coming from… in short I don’t really know. All I can say, or ask, is if you see a soldier, or a veteran, stop, shake their hand and just thank them. Not because it is a Holiday or a movie came out, but because of the most important reason, that each one of them has served so that all of us could be here and enjoy the freedom which we all enjoy.